
60 Seconds: A New Semester

With the new semester now underway, excitement is in the air. Students of Professor Ambrose’s Newspaper Practicum course asked McDaniel students, faculty, and staff what they’re looking forward to most…

60 Seconds: Bucket Lists

We asked six members of the McDaniel class of 2017, “What are five items on your bucket list?”   Kevin Rosenthal 1. Go to a World Cup 2. Visit the…

60 Seconds: Fall

When do you tell yourself, “It must be fall”?             “I know it’s fall when leaves start changing.” Matt Odom, Senior        …

60 Seconds: Government Shut Down

What do you consider the root of the problems that led to the government shutdown?     “‘The Republicans’ ignorance to work with the Democrats. They won’t agree on anything.”…

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Students Simulate Low-Income Lifestyle

On Thursday April 5, the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs (ODMA )and the Leadership Engagement and Development Program (LEAD) sponsored McDaniel’s first-ever Poverty Simulation. The Poverty Simulation was designed…