
ODMA’s Revival and Year of Success

It’s been an event-filled first year for Jennifer Jimenez Marana, the new director of the Office of Diversity and Multicultural Affairs (ODMA). Through hard work, strategic planning and collaboration with…

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Meditating on Music

On Monday nights at 10 p.m., an eclectic group of students gather in the basement of Hill Hall to listen to an equally eclectic playlist of songs that range from…

Debunking the Bunker

We’ve all heard the rumors surrounding the supposed bunker beneath Lewis. Countless students maintain that the President of the United States (or was it Congress?) would be shuttled to Westminster…

#SpringFling2014 – The Preview

On April 12, the Spring Fling Committee and the Office of Student Engagement will host the annual Spring Fling. Founded as a tradition by Mitchell Alexander 17 years ago, Spring…

President Casey Undergoes Eye Surgery

You might have heard that McDaniel College President Roger Casey just had eye surgery. On March 6, he posted on Facebook that he would be having his retina repaired the…

Westminster’s Cup: Moved and Improved

Oh my goodness, the fans are leaves!—Just one of the many hidden gems at Cup, Westminster’s only tea bar. Many may remember Cup from its original location, the cramped yet…

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McDaniel Compliments: The Evolution of Kindness

A mysterious page on Facebook that began about a year ago has been promoting positivity and community on McDaniel’s campus through anonymous compliments to students and staff. McDaniel Compliments started…