
Senior Profile: Eamonn Fay

What is your major and minor? What other academic programs were you a part of? English Major, Writing Minor What organizations were you a part of at McDaniel? What positions…

Senior Profile: Liz Mince

What is your major and minor? What other academic programs were you a part of? Art with a specialization in Graphic Design. Minor in Art History. Alpha Lambda Delta Honor…

Senior Profile: Elva Joya

What is your major and minor? What other academic programs were you a part of? Major: Psychology Minors: Biology, Chemistry, Spanish Academic Programs: Honors Program and Global Fellow What are…

My journey to mental health recovery

Growing up, mental health was not a topic of conversation in my household. In middle and highschool I had debilitating anxiety, but I was told by my family that I…

Get involved with Best Buddies

Looking for a new club or organization to join here on the Hill? Consider becoming a member of McDaniel’s Best Buddies chapter! Best Buddies is an international organization dedicated to…

Innovators on the Hill

Last year, Introduction to Innovation was a first-year seminar course. This year,  it is being reinvented and taught differently. It is now qualified as an ENC course, part of the…