
McDaniel Theatre performs “Spoon River Anthology”

On Sept. 25th and 26th, McDaniel College Theatre performed “Spoon River Anthology” live on the hill near the gazebo. This performance of Spoon River Anthology features a musical adaptation by Charles Aidman and was based on Edgar Lee Masters’ collection of free-form poems.   The play…

President Casey announces his retirement

On Sept. 24, President Roger Casey announced that he will be retiring as the ninth president of McDaniel College in June 2021. Casey noted that many factors play into this…

Adjusting to college life with COVID-19

McDaniel students are in full swing of the Fall Semester. Students’ time on campus has allowed them to discover and adjust to college life with COVID-19. McDaniel has taken a…

The Plastic Pandemic

Amidst a time of uncertainty and fear due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, environmental awareness has taken a back seat. While focusing on our human contact, possible symptoms, and social…

Fighting the fires of 9/11

Two weeks ago, Friday Sept. 11th marked the nineteenth anniversary of the horrible terrorist attacks on the United States of America. I sat down with Bernie Cornell, a retired member of…

Golden Retrievers are GRREAT

Throughout the country, there are many non-profit organizations to be a part of. Notable ones such as NPR, American Red Cross, and the Human Rights Watch, all strive for one…

A tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Last week, we mourned the loss of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She was known to many as a champion of women’s rights, and she delivered progressive votes on…