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McDaniel Quad will Become Parking Lot

[Disclaimer: This article was originally published on April Fools’ Day, and it should not be interpreted as factual reporting.] The iconic McDaniel Quad could be given a new look as…

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New McDaniel Women’s Football Team

[Disclaimer: This article was originally published on April Fools’ Day, and it should not be interpreted as factual reporting.] McDaniel women are coming to the football field! The college is…

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Reducing plastic waste at McDaniel

During the Covid-19 pandemic the usage of single-use plastic increased drastically worldwide, as many have seen at McDaniel College. The reliability of single-use plastic increased during Covid-19 to promote sanitary…

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The Benefits of SASS–Personal Experience

The organization “SASS” stands for Student Accessibility Support Services. Their office is located in Merritt Hall 117. The SASS program has allowed me to personally thrive my first semester at…

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Issues against cancel culture

Nowadays whenever someone who has a lot of fame, or is regarded highly in society, slips up with either a controversial opinion or action they are “canceled”. Now what does…