
Project X or Spring Fling?

If you’ve ever watched “Project X,” you know that it is a film for teen and young adults. You also know that the movie is about three high school seniors…

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McDaniel praises ‘Black Panther’

Last week, Marvel Studios released its latest and highly-anticipated film “Black Panther.” The superhero film drew widespread attention and gave the studio its biggest opening week at the box office thanks to…

It’s recruitment season!

This week is recruitment week for Greek life at McDaniel, and women are getting ready for rounds. Sororities are decorating their club rooms, getting outfits ready, and working hard to…

Dance Marathon comes to McDaniel College

McDaniel College has a new organization making its way to campus. Dance Marathon is a nationwide philanthropic event with the purpose of fundraising for the Children’s Miracle Network (CMN). This organization supports…

A man who could have lived

When I was seven I lost my father to colon cancer. My goal for telling his story is one, to establish my father as a real person and two, to…

Anxiety through one person’s eyes

My journey with anxiety, like many others, started at a young age. I remember hearing stories from my parents that I now laugh at, about the doctors telling them they’ve…