
Swim Safety

According to the CDC,“every day, about 10 people die from unintentional drowning.” With this statistic alone, over 3,000 people die annually in the United States due to drowning. The number…

Our Home: An Opinion

I was on Facebook when a headline in the “Trending” section caught my eye. It was from The Washington Post, and led with the indicator “Donald Trump,” as many seem…

McAdvice: Pomodoro

Amid the busyness throughout the second half of the semester, students run on caffeine, pub runs, and other substances that should not be mentioned in front of authority figures. Students are cramming…

McAdvice: Sleeping

Sleep, the thing college students dream about. College students are some of the most sleep deprived people in the world. We live on caffeine and other energy sources. But it doesn’t…

Advice to Republicans on Town Halls

Anyone who has any knowledge of politics knows that we are living in an extremely divided political climate. To combat that, in the spirit of bipartisan cooperation and in the…

McAdvice: Procrastination

Everybody procrastinates; it’s common in the life of a college student. Unfortunately, most of us procrastinate too much and everything catches up to us. Well, I have the cure for…

What it Means to be Greek

Everyone has their own ideas about what “Greek Life” really means, and what it entails. Many see it as something akin to movies like “Animal House.” Many see it as having…

Why the Wounded Warrior Project?

Now that Veterans Day has passed as it does each fall, I wonder how many people actually stopped to ask themselves the same question I asked myself in September last year:…