Articles by Daniel Valentin-Morales

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Niki Grandrimo: Classic CIA

Suspecting that the evening was going to be filled with a lot of generalities and CIA “savior” symptom, I decided to attend the McDaniel Talk with Niki Grandrimo, alumna and…

Michael Cleveland and Flamekeeper

“…of course playing’s, it’s always fun to play good music, especially when the crowds into it; you can’t beat it. It’s pretty incredible.” The Carroll Arts Center lobby was oddly…

President Casey Undergoes Eye Surgery

You might have heard that McDaniel College President Roger Casey just had eye surgery. On March 6, he posted on Facebook that he would be having his retina repaired the…

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Kiev: The Modern Revolution Screams are heard as the smoke writhes and twists, paralleling the insanity of violence, passion, and tired but focused opposition. The sound of gunfire and flash grenades fill the…