Brock Glotfelty accepts his award and smiles for a picture after setting his career record.
Sarah Erlichman
Staff Repoter
“Just win,” was all that was on Senior Brock Glotfelty’s mind before his match against John Hopkins where he set the school record for most matches won.
After the match, previous record holder Charlie Conaway’s parents handed Glotfelty his well-earned trophy.
Well before attending McDaniel College, Glotfelty got his start in wrestling from his father, Randy, who influenced him at a young age to wrestle. Glotfelty remembers watching many high school matches when he was in second grade; he also attended many wrestling camps with his father.
Having excellent youth coaches while having fun on the mat, Glotfelty continued to wrestle for Northern Garrett High School. With a record of 118 wins and 17 loses, as a sophomore and junior he placed 2nd in States and won the 1st place title his senior year.
McDaniel wrestling coaches saw Glotfelty and knew they had to have him on the roster.
There were only nine students on the roster Glotfelty’s freshman year, now as a senior there are 32 students.
“They [the coaches] are doing an excellent job expanding the program, I couldn’t ask for a better experience,” Glotfelty said.
When the big match against John Hopkins came, Glotfelty handled the pressure effortlessly regarding the match just like every other match he wrestled.
Even with the undeniable excitement in the air with his teammates, family, and friends from home watching the match and cheering on their favorite wrestler, Glotfelty walked on the mat wrestled his seven minutes, and came off with a trophy.
Glotfelty looked upon this moment with honor.
Since his freshman year, he has walked into the wrestling room where there is a wall with the names of McDaniel Conference Champions listed. To have more wins than some of the names listed is an honor in the eyes of Glotfelty.
With 13 matches left in the season, three to win at the Conference meet, four to win at Nationals, Glotfelty plans on setting the bar high for the next McDaniel wrestler who plans to break the winning record.
To Glotfelty, this match was not about beating records though; it was about taking another step to accomplish his season goal, to win 1st place at the Nationals Championships.
In a McDaniel green singlet, Glotfelty placed 8th as a sophomore at the Collegiate National Championships and fell short last year, his junior year. Not reaching his goal last year of winning Nationals has made Glotfelty even more indomitable and driven to win this year.
Currently ranked 4th in the country, Glotfelty senses that the extra workouts and practices are what will separate him and every heavyweight competing at Nationals at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.
As his final season of wrestling comes to an end, Glotfelty keeps his goals in priority accomplishing them with extra effort and his signature move, the cork-screw.
Brock put it very bluntly, “I’m either going to be remembered as the guy that placed once or as the guy that won the Championship.”