60 Seconds: McDaniel Students on Hurricane Joaquin

Weather forecasters are predicting that a hurricane, named Joaquin, will travel over McDaniel this weekend, bringing a lot of rain and wind. McDaniel’s website currently has a notice up stating that Family Weekend events will still be held, but how are McDaniel students preparing for Joaquin and will it be altering their weekend plans?



Rachel Kuchinsky, senior

Asks “should I be prepping?” Also states, “I don’t know where [the hurricane] is hitting, so I’ve done nothing to prepare.


Jed Fowler, freshmanDSC_0244

States, “I was going to go home anyway” and that he hasn’t “really done anything about [the hurricane].”



Nia Gipson, junior

Says, “I’m an RA, so Michael Robbins told us to get our flashlights ready… I’m in college, I don’t know what’s going on… I don’t think I’m prepared at all.”



Libby Bowles, sophomore

Hasn’t done anything in preparation. Says, “I don’t know if my parents will come up [for Family Weekend] if it’s raining too hard.”



Sean Kaliszak, junior

States, “I’m just kind of sitting and waiting… I’m not too worried, I just need to get food.” His plans are not being altered and his family is still coming for the weekend.



Dason Pierce, sophomore

Hasn’t prepared. Says, “I’ve never really been scared of hurricanes… what I’m doing this weekend will change a bit, but nothing major.”


60 Seconds