Welcome from the Editors

McDaniel Free Press Co-Editors-in-Chief Daniel Valentin-Morales and Sarah Hull

On behalf of the McDaniel Free Press, we would like to give all of you a warm welcome as we get ready to start a new year. Whether you’re first year students getting used to classes and the campus layout or returning students getting back in contact with friends and mentally prepping for what being on the Hill really means (steps, steps everywhere), we’re certain that this is shaping up to be a remarkable year.

As Editors-in-Chief, it is our goal and ardent hope to represent the student body in all of its cultural and experiential diversity. We are confident that we can create a paper which showcases the reality of the students who attend McDaniel and one that generates dialogue across campus when needed.

Moving forward in this year, we want to make the Free Press a viable source for community information. We are here for you; we strive to cover issues that are pertinent to life here on campus, as well as to make sure that we’re all informed on what is happening in this place we call home for eight months of the year.

With this in mind, we would like to invite you to join us for our first meeting of the year on Wednesday Sept. 3 at 8 p.m. in Hill 101. If you have a passion for writing, photography, design, or sharing information and would like to contribute, please feel free to come learn about what it is we do! We are always looking for new ideas and fresh perspectives.

Come on this ride with us as we write about life at McDaniel College. Inform people and make them laugh, cry, and sometimes (just sometimes) get a little bit upset. Have a great year everyone!

Daniel Valentin-Morales & Sarah Hull

1 Comment on "Welcome from the Editors"

  1. It looks like you are going to have a great time this year. Congratulations to you both. Have fun!

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