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The New Face of Inclusion

With additional reporting from Elijah Jones. “Social Justice is a process,” says Jose Moreno, the new head of the Office of Student Diversity and Inclusion. “It happens through education and…

60 Seconds: Current TV Binges

When not working on assignments, students like to relax while watching some shows. Students were asked what their current “binge” show is: Chris Spahn, sophomore, undecided Current binge: Steven Universe…

Anyone But Trump

I truly have nothing truly original to say about Donald Trump anymore. I could call him a misogynist, a xenophobe, or even say he’s the spawn of Satan, but people…

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Trump Supporters: A Stigma

Editor’s note: this article was written before the string of sexual assault allegations regarding Mr. Trump. Geraci has not withdrawn his support. Among their generally more left-leaning peers, young Trump…

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Dealing With Student Debt

The dream of a successful life via education tends to lead to unwanted yet unavoidable student debt—sometimes amounting to tens of thousands of dollars. Accounting professor Kerry Duvall recognized this issue, and with…

Donald Trump: Idiot or Genius?

When asked to describe Donald Trump, perhaps for many the words “idiot,”  “racist,”  or “orange” come to mind; however, maybe the word “genius” will prove to be more fitting. While his campaign…

Where in Westminster: King Park

Located at 43 Chase Street, just four blocks off Main Street, lies the City of Westminster’s King Park: a pleasant, spacious facility for the community. According to the City, the land…

Recruiting at McDaniel

Athletic recruiting is rarely thought of from the coach’s perspective. Could you imagine talking to over 100 athletes and not having a single one commit to your institution? It has…