Learning about the African-American Experience

Dr. Richard M. Smith, of the Sociology department, wants his students to understand the history of African Americans, their culture and influence on American society, and their current experiences since they played…

Tuesday, Tuesday

The Super Tuesday contests are over, and, with the results in, a few trends become immediately clear. Two candidates in particular favored very well, while many others floundered and now…

The Great Carolinian Demographics Game

The candidates in the Democrat primary had their first fight in the South, and the results, while expected, highlighted major demographic divides. Hillary Clinton took the state in a rout,…

Mules Leave Terror in the Dust in Conference Final

The Green Terror were consecutively outscored on Saturday, losing the Centennial Conference Final 83-59 to the reigning champion Muhlenberg Mules. One night after handsomely triumphing over Gettysburg in the Semifinal game…

Palmetto Pugilism

The GOP duked it out in the recent South Carolina primary, and the results were, in a number of ways, notable and game changing. Frontrunners continued their momentum, and secondary…

Fear and Loathing in the Caucus

With the Nevada caucuses now complete (on both the GOP and Democrat sides), both sides, more or less, have continued the progression expected by most analysts and voters. However, a…

No Picture

Movie Review: The Revenant

1 SAG Award. 3 Golden Globes. 5 BAFTA Awards. And the Oscars are next week. On top of all the awards and nominations director Alejandro González Iñárritu’s raw, gripping tale…