April 2016

Image courtesy of Genna Weger

The Importance of the Tournament of Champions

The Tournament of Champions, held by the Exercise Science Department at McDaniel College in April, is for students in grades K-12 with orthopedic, visual, and behavioral needs who participate in regular…

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Book Review: The Outsiders

Susan Eloise Hinton, an American author, is best known for her literature for young adults. The Outsiders was the first novel written by Hinton, at age 17. The novel gave her publicity, fame, and…

Innovation Challenge Finals

On Monday, April 11, the final judging to the Innovation Challenge took place, leaving Nicole Rutherford with the first place prize, Ryan Lutes second, and Tyler Van Dyke and Jeb…

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An Interview with Candidate Will Jawando

“I’m the only millennial in the race,” says Will Jawando, Democratic Primary candidate in Maryland’s 8th District, “and along with that comes student debt.” In his campaign, Jawando has focused…

Preview: Black Tie Ball

From the activism and hunger strike that happened at Mizzou last November to the continuing work of the #BlackLivesMatter campaign to try to draw attention to racialized police brutality, it…