60 Seconds: Changes to the McDaniel Plan

On Tuesday, April 5, an email was sent out indicating that a variety of changes would be made to the McDaniel Plan. Namely, only 2 semesters of foreign language study, 2 EPE classes, and 1 social, cultural, historical class are required moving forward. SIS courses are no longer required as well. Students were asked for their opinion on these changes:


Eli Jaffe, freshman 

Likes changes. Won’t have to take unneeded classes now. Dislikes delayed release of information.





Daba Mbaye, junior

Doesn’t think it is fair. Going to be a senior, and had to struggle with it. Don’t think it is bad, but the reason behind it is.




Elliott Orr, sophomore

Enjoys change because ROTC counts for EPE credits. Frustrated that an SIS is no longer required; he already took one. Likes reduction of language requirement.


IMG_7852Cole Owen, freshman

Was stressed out by changes. Would have understood if information was released 2-3 weeks before registration. Could not meet with advisor beforehand. Says, “It was honest to God a mess.”





Daniel David, sophomore 

Approves of changes. As a sophomore, he hasn’t satisfied many requirements yet. Understands why some might be mad about it. Is glad about the reduction of EPE credits.



Nina Breece, junior

Doesn’t really affect her, as she already wasted time finishing the plan. She thought it was poor timing to release this information in the middle of registration.



60 Seconds