Six RAs from McDaniel Hall and DMC gathered in the lobby of Hill Hall Wednesday night to play a game – everything you want to know about sex but you’re too afraid to ask. The RAs gathered noisily around a small table, joking and laughing with each other.
The program is one of the monthly programs these RAs have.
Previous nights have featured a Candyland theme and a social event in DMC, Under the DMC. The RAs make the calls for what events to throw with the guideline of having to stick to an educational program.
Tonight’s event, though not associated with the Green Dot program, is geared toward learning about – take a guess – sex.
RA events like this give the RAs an opportunity to gain a better understanding of whatever their monthly topic is, but it gives them a chance to spend time all together outside of their weekly staff meetings, too.
We saw the RAs snacking on candy and guiltlessly making sex jokes – not bad for a Wednesday night.
- A group of students playing one of the games at the event. Photo by Jimmy Calderon
- Sijui Kama and Caroline Unger having fun during the event. Photo by Jimmy Calderon