Hello First Year students and welcome to the McDaniel community!
I remember being in your position just a few years ago, with the excitement of a clean slate and the ability to do whatever I wanted to do and be whomever I wanted to be.
One of the easiest ways to feel a connection to your new home at McDaniel is getting involved on campus. Do what you love while meeting other people who share the same interests.
I’m inviting you to join the McDaniel Free Press! As a part of the student newspaper, you will have the opportunity to combine all your interests. Cover sports events, write investigative articles, or review plays at the theater. Write as often as your schedule allows. We also have positions available for web staff, blogging, layout, and copy editing.
For more information, come find us at the Involvement Fair in Red Square on August 29 from 5-7 p.m. You can also email me at kcv001 with any questions.
Wishing you all the best this year,
Kaitlyn Vadenais
Editor in Chief