Hometown: Westminster, MD
Major/Minor: Political Science & Military Science
Favorite Memory: My entire apartment and our families went to the wine festival in the fall and had the time of our lives! We all fell in love with the same brand and stockpiled for the rest of the semester. We had such a good time and we have a picture of all of us from that day hanging in the living room of our apartment in a frame we made out of wine corks.
Worst Memory: My worst memory was having to kill all the bugs on my floor in Whiteford because all the girls always thought the “ROTC girl” would save them.
Plans for after Graduation: When I graduate I will also commission as a 2nd Lt. in the Army, and in July I will leave for Fort Gordan, GA to receive training in the Signal (communications) corps.
Advice for freshmen: My advice for freshmen is to take school seriously from the start. GPA is like credit, very hard to repair!
Favorite Class: My favorite class was Philosophy of Law with Judge Rasinsky. It is by far the only Monday night 3 hour class worth putting yourself through! I learned so much and felt like I acquired practical legal skills rather than vague theory.
Activities: ROTC, Tennis