Noah Patton brings up “Demilitarize McDaniel” during a soapox, resulting in mediated discussion.
Amber Slater
Staff Reporter
Every other Friday, members of the Philosophy club gather for what their posters dub “old timey oratory fun.” While discussions on the existence of barriers and the power trips of RAs grew heated, the Demilitarize McDaniel movement was the most hotly debated topic of the day.
Noah Patton, who created a Facebook group in entitled “McDaniel students against self-righteous Protesting” in retaliation to their efforts, was the first to bring up the issue.
“I didn’t create the group to take a dump on their ideas,” he explained. “they have their ideas, and they’re valid. They’re well-read young ladies.”
While few disagreed that those who protested on September 11 were not educated, few felt that their behavior regarding their beliefs was appropriate or mature.“It’s like they ran into a room shouting their beliefs and then ran back out,” stated Lucas Sperber.
“They’re treating everyone like they’re a little lower,” agreed Patton. “but in making that group, I make them feel lower.”
This statement called into question whether McDaniel’s response to the protesters was appropriate given that we are a liberal arts college. Students hurled comments at the girls on their Facebook page, and the backlash caused them to shut it down and create a private group.
“It’s very easy to be mean on Facebook. It’s almost encouraged because people can “like” it,” Jake Friedman said.
It was agreed in the end that while the advocates of demilitarizing McDaniel did not appropriately convey their beliefs, the backlash from students was equally inappropriate.
“Our reaction deserves blame,” stated Jake Friedman.